You know bees make honey of course, but how? After all the learning you may want some usage ideas — no worries, you’re in the right place!
Have you ever wondered how honey is made? You know bees make it of course, but what are bees up to anyway? And just how do they do it? Maybe you've been thinking about the benefits of honey? Keep reading to find the answers to all these questions and more!
The Sweet Science of Making Honey will provide a crash course in honeybee anatomy and behaviour, before delving into the fascinating process of how honey is made.
We won't leave you hanging though, this post will also explore all the ways this delicious natural sweetener can be used. You'll be surprised at just how versatile honey is!
The Honeybee - A Bit Alien if We're Honest
The bee's body is divided into three main sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The tiny creature has a pair of antennae on its head, which are used to smell and touch. A honeybee gets its buzz from its two pairs of wings, the front pair of wings are larger than the back pair.

How Many Eyes?
The bee has two compound eyes, which are made up of thousands of tiny lenses. These eyes allow the bee to see ultraviolet light, which helps the bee find flowers. The bee also has three simple eyes, which are located between the compound eyes.
Honeybee Social Life
Bees are social insects and live in hives made up of beeswax - home sweet home for a bee colony. The hive is divided into three parts: the brood chamber, the honey chamber, and the pollen chamber.
The brood chamber is the queen's chamber - where she lays her eggs. The honey chamber and the pollen chamber? Well, you may have guessed, they're chambers, where the bees store their honey and pollen.

From Flower to Toast: How Honey is Made
Bees may be alien-looking, but they're amazing creatures. They fly from flower to flower, collecting nectar which they then turn into honey. It's a remarkable process and one that has many benefits for both the bees and the humans who consume the honey.
The Search
The journey of a bee starts with finding the perfect flower. Once they've found a good source of nectar, they'll collect it in their mouths and store it in a special sac called the crop. When their crops are full, they'll fly back to the hive where they live with other bees.
Back at Home Base
At the hive, the bees will pass the nectar on to other bees who will chew on it for a while before passing it back again. This process breaks down the complex sugars in the nectar into simpler ones like glucose and fructose. The bees will also add enzymes from their saliva, which helps to speed up the process of turning nectar into honey.
The Waiting Game
Once the nectar has been sufficiently broken down, it's time for storage. The bees will deposit it into cells in the hive where it will evaporate until it reaches the desired consistency - this usually takes about 21 days. Once it's ready, the cell is sealed with wax to prevent further evaporation and preserve the honey inside.
And that's how honey is made! From start to finish, it's an impressive process that produces a delicious and nutritious product enjoyed by humans all over the world.

The Many Benefits
As we all know, honey is completely delicious and the flavours beekeepers are bringing to the market just keep getting better! But did you know that tasting amazing is not all it does? Honey has so many fantastic benefits, and here are just a few to help you use honey like you've never used it before!
A Natural Sweetener
Honey is a fabulous natural sweetener, it can be used in place of sugar in most recipes. Use it in everything from baked goods to savoury dishes. Yes, it's a terrific alternative to refined sugar, do future you a solid - your body will thank you. Oh, and it’s also perfect for sweetening teas and coffee.
A Natural Remedy
Humans have been benefiting from honeybee’s hard work for generations, using honey as a natural remedy. It’s been shown to be effective in treating everything from colds to wounds. Honey is just one of those products we crave when sick, a hot lemon and honey drink - nothing better.
Honey and Allergies
Some people believe that consuming locally produced honey can help lessen the symptoms of seasonal allergies. The theory is that by exposing your body to small amounts of pollen, you can build up immunity to it.
Honey and Digestion
Honey is also thought to be beneficial for digestion. It’s often used as a home remedy for upset stomachs.

So, How?
With all those great benefits, you're probably itching to find out some ways you can use this sweet treat. Wait no longer, here's a few ideas for using honey in the kitchen, the bathroom and beyond.
A Beauty Treatment
Honey has long been used as a beauty treatment, thanks to its hydrating and antibacterial properties. You can use it in homemade facial masks or as a natural shampoo.
First Aid
Honey can be used to treat minor cuts and scrapes. Simply apply a small amount of honey to the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Honey can also be used as a cough suppressant or sore throat reliever.

Whether you're using it to settle your stomach or put together a natural beauty product, there's always a reason to have a jar of honey on hand. When cooking or baking don't forget to add honey for a sweetness that is both delicious and healthy.
The process of making honey is truly amazing, but what's more marvellous is the honeybee and the tireless odyssey it takes to create this tasty and versatile substance.
So next time you run into one of these little troopers on your adventures, remember to give it a little nod of thanks for its role in bringing us this go-to ingredient.